Riot Collaborations

Riot Collaborations

Our community showing up for you! Extra classes and tutorials to help you grow in every way possible.

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Riot Collaborations

  • PT & Injury Prevention with Kim Gillett

    Functional Physical Therapy with Kim Gillett
    Having pain or discomfort with daily activities or exercise? Do you just want to move and feel better? Twerk lower?
    I GOT YOU.
    Your movement journey to feel better starts here!

    Whether it’s a past injury that hasn’t fully gone away or a nagging pain...


    Confidence is an inside job, but we’re telling you how WE express it on the outside.

  • Good For You (feat. A$AP ROCKY)- Selena Gomez

    Chase is here to help you find ways to move that are unique toYOU and find confidence while doing it,


    Personal trainer & Owner of Lyfcor sharing his knowledge & a special offer with our Alliance members.
    12 week strength training program for $97!!!
    Find it HERE 👇🏻

  • ALTER EGO with Brooke

    Alter Ego - Brooke takes you on a guided meditation into finding that inner bad ass and the confidence you need to be the highest version of YOU.


    Take a moment to return to happiness with @dancingdaddio

  • BREAK YA BACK with Nyesha

    Nyesha MekaDayz, founder of the @lepumz dance crew brings you authentic Jamaican dance vibes and teaches you how to "Break ya back" in the BEST way.

  • CROSS TRAINING with Matt Jonson

    Matt Johnson of Lyfcore is here to teach why it’s SO important to train your body outside of just dance fitness.

  • INTRO TO MACROS with Trista Harrison

    Coach Trista gives you a basic rundown of what macros are, why they are important and how you can create a nutrition lifestyle you don’t hate. Don’t forget to down her Flexible Dieting Guide gift!

  • Sound bath with Jenny Chant

    Jenny Chant is a spiritual mentor, here to guide you on a powerful healing meditation with Crystal Bowls, and share guidance from the oracle deck, Sacred Rebels by Alana Fairchild.
    Jenny offers 1 on 1 healing sessions and hosts many local sound baths.
    To learn more about her and her gifts, visit ...